Friday, September 26, 2008

Psychological Warfare

There are many forms of psychological warfare, mainly fought in war time, to aid the troops on the actual battlefield but have been adopted for 'peaceful' use in so many ways - advertising is one form of psychological warfare, aptly summed in the phrase - 'marketing war'. Today, in Malaysia, an intense psychological war is waged in cyberspace but no less intense and real. Just look at all the posts and SMSes - information bombardment, red herrings and disinformation are flying around thick and thin so much so that it is difficult to ascertain the motive, target, etc of the information being paddled around cyberspace. A lot of this information seems to be from the anti-establishment types as the MSM is tightly under establishment control BUT, and this is a big BUT, it may actually be used by the establishment and/or its supporters to confuse the issue 'a gigantic disinformation campaign'. So, who do we believe? In a word, NOBODY. Take everything with a pinch of salt until corroborated with undeniable facts. However, this does not mean that we dismiss everything - just KIV until corroborated and if required, ERR on the safe side - whatever that is.

And hope we all survive with our wits reasonably intact.

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