Monday, September 1, 2008

How to Say Things without saying it.

The MCA/Gerakan leaders are up in arms against a highly seditious remark by the Bukit Bendera Umno division chief Datuk Ahmad Ismail. The Pakatan leaders are no less peeved by that remark. But, and this is a very big BUT, they should not be. After all, no less illustrious a personality like our Prime Minister, Dato' Seri Abdullah Badawi, is reported to have said it is okay to say such things as "I don't think he means it". My God, the fantastic implication. Now we ALL can say what we want to, seditious or not, as long as "we don't mean it". In one swoop, the Prime Minister, in his infinite wisdom, has done shown us all lesser mortals how to get around the draconian Sedition Act. Take not all ye lesser mortals and celebrate instead of complaining.

And if anyone should take offence with what I have just written, just remember - "I don't think I mean it".

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