Monday, October 13, 2008

The anatomy of failure

Well planned lines of action rarely fail - they are not designed to. Of course, nobody is infallible and the occasional unexpected failure of the best of plans do happen. But does anyone seriously expect a whole series of important, well planned lines to action to fail, one after another? I dont.

Recently, in the Malaysian political landscape, a few, VERY IMPORTANT and well planned actions has appeared to fail. If some quarters are to be believed, Anwar's sodomy case is a very well planned set-up by the powers to be and yet we have fatal flaws in a supposed well planned set-up such as an unexpected visit by the complainant to a doctor who punctured holes in his claim of sodomy. Not less spectecular is the statutory declaration by PI Subramaniam making earth shaking claims regarding the Deputy Prime Minister only to retract it the very next day via another statutory declaration-making him libel to making a false statement (the first or second statutory declaration) under oath. Ditto the famous 16 September dead line of Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim. And the infamous submission of 'cut and paste' evidence by, no less the prosecution, in the RPK criminal defamation case. We are talking very important, well planned lines of action here and yet all of them looks like they are likely to end in failure. Why, one might ask, when the best laid plans of mice and men all failing in such a short span of time?

My humble opinion - these plans DID NOT fail. They all succeeded in their objectives which was to fail in the first place. This is the only logical explanation for so many well laid plans failing in such a short period. Why plan to fail in the first place? Well, I'll be darned if I know.

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