Tuesday, January 27, 2009

A sensitive weapon

I am very disturbed by the warning by Pewaris, a non-government Muslim organisation, regarding the supposedly planned demonstration in conjunction with the funeral of dead-in-police-custody A Kugan. They warned against any demonstration as it might touch the sensivities of some people - you know who.

What in the world has these people got to be sensitive about if people were to protest alleged police brutality? It has nothing to do with Hindu against Muslims (if this is what the sensitivities are about) just the common layman against the perceived (I am not even saying that the police are guilty) wrong doings of certain policemen. But, all too often, this thinly veiled threat (what the hell are they going to do - invoke the Sedition Act or start a racial riot?) is thrown up by these type of people everytime something that they dont agree with crops up. From anti ISA to the detention of Teresa Kok to reactions to racist comments made by Pulau Pinang Bukit Bendara UMNO Chief, the same threat is used. Isnt the use of such threats illegal in civilised society or are we not a civilised society.

Shame on you Pewaris. You are not championing law and order as you claim to be doing so. You are insulting the ability of the police and you yourself are threatening the supposed planned activities of other in dangerously crouched language, which under any other government (and a new one may emerge shortly) would charge you with criminal intimidation.

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