Thursday, January 1, 2009

Melayu Mudah Lupa

Happy New Year 2009. Whew! What a ride 2008 has been. In the year ended just yesterday, there were indeed earth shaking developments that threatened to blow the country's economic, social, political and whatever fabric to Kingdom come. Demonstrations, ski-masked garbed commando style arrest of Dato Seri Anwar Ibrahim, ISA detentions of a helpless journalist, Raja Petra Kamaruddin and YB Teresa Kok for issues deemed so sensitive/important/explosive etc. Yet what happened? Nothing, absolutely nothing. Were the fears exaggerated? Actions taken effective? Matters satisfactorily resolved? You be the judge. As for me it is very simple. To quote our former Prime Minister- "Melayu (and this includes himself first and foremost - Lingam Tapes Royal Commission of Inquiry- and ALL Malaysians, whether Melayu, Cina, India or Lain-lain) Mudah Lupa".

What a panacea time is! But did we all 'lupa'? And is it for the better (whatever it is)?

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