Sunday, August 10, 2008

A New Look at the world.

If I have seen you these last two days, you will probably notice me looking you up and down and then settle on a tilt of my head that would put you just past the end of my nose. No, I have not struck the lottery. I got myself a new pair of spectacles - my first multifocal lens spectacles. Even the term multifocal isnt exactly what it may be - the manufacturer prefers the term varifocal. To see clearly, I have to place objects in the right focus of the multi-vari focal lens. As such, I am limited to a very narrow field of vision and will have to adjust my head to see things in their proper perspective. That is a mighty blow to my ego - now that I can see things in their proper perspective, able to view an issue in my mind's eye from various angles and at different level, my sole visual imput is limited to such narrow angles, ranges and scope (at least at any given time). Not so long ago, say 30 years or so (long is a very subjective thing), my visual capabilities is best described by my present mental capabilities and vice-versa my mental capabilities then equates to my present visual capabilities. Guess that is even for the course until the inevitable - both my visual and mental capabilities will deteriorate until ..........

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